Husarya, a stone picker, is an innovative product created by three passionate and outstanding, experienced constructors: Sławomir Wiśniewski, Marcin Wiśniewski and Marcin Gołębiewski. It is thanks to their ingenuity and cooperation that this unique and innovative project was created, which effectively solves the problem of fieldstones present on agricultural land. That is not everything.
In Poland, almost 30% of the agricultural land area is filled with fieldstones, which makes it difficult to cultivate, sow and harvest. Many parts of the machines are damaged or completely destroyed during field work in stony areas. Undoubtedly, it is therefore necessary to thoroughly clear the fields. However, picking stones by hand is definitely ineffective: it takes a lot of time and requires a lot of energy and strength. A serious problem is also the lack of people willing to perform such exhausting and sometimes even backbreaking work related to agricultural production. The optimal solution to these issues is the modern Husarya stone picker.
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